KingsFood serves up canine royalty with its premium, nutrition-packed dog food. With a regal logo and eco-friendly packaging, we make mealtime a feast fit for a king.
Wrapped in sustainable packaging and adorned with a distinctive logo, each KingsFood meal is a commitment to eco-conscious, royal nourishment.
- Branding
- Brand Communication
- Brand Identity
- Packaging Designing
- D2C
- B2B

Crowded Market
The pet food industry is highly competitive, with numerous brands vying for attention.
Premium Positioning
Communicating the brand’s premium quality and higher price point.
Health & Nutrition Focus
Emphasizing the nutritional benefits and wholesome ingredients of KingsFood.
Sustainability Concerns
Addressing the growing demand for eco-friendly packaging solutions.
Solutions: The Factor X Way
A Royal Brand Kit:
The Factor X crowned KingsFood with a brand kit that embodies its commitment to providing premium, nutritious, and eco-conscious dog food. The regal logo, coupled with informative and sustainable packaging, establishes KingsFood as the top choice for discerning pet owners who want the best for their furry companions.
X-ceptional Branding, Crafted to Perfection